All are welcome to visit our Adoration Chapel - located in the Holy Trinity Commons - which can be easily accessed by parking in the back lot (off 5th Ave S) and entering the door by the St Francis statue. When you arrive, please sign in using the binder on the cabinet/desk.
The adoration chapel is available 24/7, however, it is closed from 7am-1pm on Sundays since there are Masses going on and there are no regular committed adorers during that time period. It is also closed on certain Holy Days - please check the bulletin for those closures.
If you ever need to leave and there is no other adorer, please use the veil to cover the Blessed Sacrament, located under the cabinet under the sign in binder. If you happen to arrive and the Blessed Sacrament is covered, you can remove the veil and place it back in the cabinet.
"O King of glory, though you hide your beauty, yet the eye of my soul rends the veil. I see the angelic choirs giving you honor without cease." St. Mary Faustina Kowalska