The Holy Mass is the Unbloody Sacrifice of Christ to the Father, which renews the original Sacrifice on the Cross and becomes a channel of grace for the faithful. Those who are suitably disposed and not impeded by mortal sin or an ecclesiastical impediment may receive our Lord in Holy Communion.
This Sacrament is offered for the first time to children who have reached the age of reason, age seven, following suitable religious formation and preparation. Suitable preparation can be accomplished in our School, our Religious Education Program or by Home Schooling. First Confession precedes First Communion - in order to prepare the soul to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
All Masses, whether English or Tridentine, are done ad orientem at the high altars. Communion rails are used at all Masses as well.
If you know of someone who needs a visit or Communion brought to them, please call our Visitation Ministry line by calling (651-789-1563) and leave a detailed message. Our Visitation Coordinator will return your call.