Into the Breach is a call to battle for men which urges them to embrace masculine virtues in a world at crisis. The new Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family series presents the Catholic vision of family life and inspires them to incorporate it into daily life. By viewing and discussing these inspirational series, and using their accompanying study guides, men as well as couples, will be equipped with the wisdom and practical tools they need to better lead themselves and their families in living out the Faith.
Starts Thursday February 15, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:30pm
Men | FREE | 15 Spots | 6672 98th Street Circle Cottage Grove, MN 55387
Leader: Chris Carson | Co Leader Paul Gaglioti
Register: 515-554-0919 or [email protected]
Considered to many to be the greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written. True Devotion to Mary is St. Louis DeMontfort's classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Starts Thursday November 21, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30pm
Men & Women | $12.00 | 6 Spots | 1955 Oakdale Ave #126, West St. Paul, MN 55118
Leader: Darla Stewart
Register: 612-386-6110 or [email protected]
A book that tells of both the life of Sister Mary of Saint Peter and her life's work: the devotion, granted to her by Jesus Himself, to His Holy Face. Approved by Pope Leo XIII and promoted by St. Therese of Lisieux half a century later, the devotion to the Holy Face may be the single most important devotion of our time that still remains relatively unknown.
Soon after entering the Carmelite convent at Tours in 1839 at age 23, she began to receive remarkable and intimate communications from Our Lord, Who told her of His great distressed over the evil actions and blasphemous declarations of the Marxist revolutionaries of the time. He also bemoaned the indifference to and profanation of Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation of even Christians.
Every other Tues beginning February 20, 2024 from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Men & Women | $5.00 | 10 Spots | 6672 98th Street Circle, Cottage Grove, MN 55387
Leader: Cathy Carson | Co Leader Joanne Carter
Register: 515-554-6148 or [email protected]